Health and Safety Protocol
2022 Programs
Our safety policy is based on current CDC guidelines for maintaining a safe day camp environment with minimal risk of contact with and spread of coronavirus. In order to participate in our programs, we ask all parents and children to agree to this protocol. If changes are made to CDC recommendations, we will adjust this policy accordingly and communicate with parents about this change.
Physical Distancing
Outdoors, in open air space at all times. If it rains, we will gather under bell-tent tarps.
Small group activities of 5-8 children are prioritized.
3-6 feet of distance maintained during crafts and encouraged during other activities.
Drive-through drop-off/pick-up with window of time to stagger traffic.
Participants bring 2 masks to wear when there is a potential for close contact.
Cloth masks (with 2-3 layers of material) or disposable 3-ply surgical masks required. 3-layer masks with nose wire are most effective and strongly encouraged.
Masks washed after each day of program.
N95 masks encouraged if participant has compromised immune system.
Face shields, thin gaiters, bandanas and masks with valves are insufficient.
Masks must fit well on child’s face, without leaving openings or gaps.
Spare mask in backpack.
Strings tied around the ear loops to wear mask around neck when not in use.
Hand Hygiene
Children encouraged to purchase own personal crafting supplies and tools, to minimize sharing items.
Hand sanitization at arrival and departure, before and after eating or touching any supplies. Children encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer.
Symptom Screening
Temperatures taken on arrival, 100.3F or lower to participate.
Children with symptoms or family member with symptoms stay home.
Symptom Screening Checklist:
Before sending your child to camp, we ask that you ensure that none of the following signs or symptoms of COVID-19 are present, and that they have not been in close contact with anyone with a coronavirus infection in the prior 2 weeks. If so, please keep your child home.
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
Why Masks?
While being outdoors greatly diminishes risk of exposure to COVID-19, mask-wearing when in potentially close contact ensures even greater safety.
According to Duke researchers who studied the efficacy of different types of masks, “If everyone wore a mask, we could stop up to 99% of viral droplets before they reach someone else. In the absence of a vaccine or antiviral medicine, it’s the one proven way to protect others as well as yourself.” Here is the link to view the study.
Since we are in an outdoor space and will be focusing on activities that allow children to keep physical space from one another, masks will not be required the entire day. But for times when children and staff do need to come closer, masks will be required.
Thank you for helping to keep everyone safe!